I am Marisa Cláudia Simões Ralha
I was born on 25.10.1995 in Lisbon I have thirteen years and I live in Alverca
I have dark curly hair, brown eyes and brown skin.
I am at eighth year of schooling in the school E. b. 2,3 Pedro Jacques Magalhães.
I make a lot of friends because I am a pleasant person, extroverted and curious, but also I have many defects as be lazy, persistent, disorder and sweets.
In my free times I like to draw and watch television.
I don't like practice sport, I prefer see others doing it.
I like all film of Harry Potter but I liked more Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
I also like computers games, my favourite game is The Sims.
I hope you will know more about me and make more friends.